• June 24, 2014

    Blogging with Octopress and deploying in Github

    After a long and tiring hot day, finally it’s raining here at Bhubaneswar. So let’s hack some codes to make an awesome blogging site.

  • June 22, 2014

    How I met C.S.Lewis

    After watching the three chronicles of Narnia, I was curiously driven to know more about the writer C.S. Lewis. If I knew about the series before, I would have read the books much earlier than the release date of the first movie. I was a bit late to start, but it turned out to be more interesting than expected. I am a kind of person who take interest in some things which are not so mainstream and not adorable. As far as childrens’ fantasy is concerned, I believe in ‘em to some extent. But to think of a pretty different world in a different universe, (with a complete set of new physical laws and or you can say a complete set of new Gods of creation) has grown an immense inquisitiveness within me and for that very reason I found the Narnian series to be the best fit for my childish ( if you can say it ) imaginations. Is our world round or we just imagine it to be? Whatever that is, I found a world which is triangular flat in my dreams and happened to notice that Narnia is also flat.