• August 04, 2015

    Configuring WiFi Adapter in FreeBSD Raspberry Pi

    After banging my head a lot of times, finally I found out the solution for connecting my Raspberry Pi to my WiFi network using an adapter. The adapter is from NetGear (realtek RTL IEEE 802.11) and while my machine used to boot up, it was recognized as “urtwn0” WiFi card. At first, the adopter didn’t glow. Then I found out that is a problem adapter. So, I had to allow the license for realtek urtwn0 driver in /boot/loader.conf file. The file didn’t exist and I created one.

  • July 23, 2015

    Installing FreeBSD in Raspberry Pi with the help of a Mac

    I have a Raspberry Pi B+ model. After running FreeBSD for about a month in the VirtualBox application in my Macbook Pro, I wished to have it installed natively somewhere else. Then I thought not to use a huge system or computer. I just needed a few space to run a server in a jail. Then, I happened to notice that my Raspberry Pi had not been used for ages. I had further plans to have a RFID security system using FreeBSD jails to configure the server to use it as a IoT (Internet of Things) project. Then, I arranged a HDMI cable, a USB keyboard, a 16 GB SD card from Samsung and a USB WiFi module (Netgear Adaptor).

  • April 17, 2015

    Monngo DB in Fedora

    It is somewhat difficult to run mongo db by following the conventional steps for installing it in fedora. While starting mongo db, the normal problem that is usually encountered after authenticating is

  • December 21, 2014

    Ruby Chronicles, The Eurucamp Story

    This is the complete story of my eurucamp journey. I had submitted a talk proposal back in April, 2014 and happened to know that they accepted the proposal on 6th of May. Then I asked myself, “Do you have your passport with you?”. :P . Then I happened to notice that I hadn’t applied for one. Then it all started - The complete journey.

  • November 15, 2014

    DFT using basic Python and Numpy

    There are several in-built functions for finding out DFT in Numpy Python. But still for fun, I have tried something on my own using basic Pyhton and Numpy to obtain the DFT of a sequence of a signal given in the form of an array like [0,1,2,3].