I just moved my entire tech blog from Octopress 2 to 3.0. It was quite tiresome because I had my base folder before at /blog and somehow I had a landing page of my own on the root endpoint /. However, I managed it somehow and due to the mis-match, I was allowed to dig deep into designing after almost 3 years. Did some CSS and HTML as well. Added Github flavored markdown once again.

Changed one Rakefile a bit that I was using before so that I don’t end up with a lot of manual handling for blogging. Still working on the Rakefile to make my life easier in future. Now, the site and blog are pretty much alive with disqus comments(configured once again!). Octopress 3.0 is nothing but a very minimal version of Octopress 2. As I preferred having a home page separately, I had to dig more into designing and a bit of CMS.

Furthermore, I have added some of my other links(those are built with Jekyll) such as my resume cards and the details of the conferences that I have spoken before on the new nav bar. Blogging on my tech blog after almost 2 years feels nice because I had to tweak the code a bit once again with jekyll ruby .

Landed in the Netherlands 2 weeks before for my higher studies at Deflt University of Technology. Feels nice to check my old stuff which were online once again to make a new start. :smiley: (That smiley is also from Github flavored markdown). :wink: